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Dental Care is Crucial to Your Pet's Health

Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Ferret, Reptile and Bird Dental Care Tips

Think just because your pet happens to have tiny teeth (or no teeth) that you don't have to worry about good oral care for them? Not so, in fact, it may be even more important to your avian or exotic pal for you to keep on top of their oral care. Here's some tips on keeping your rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, reptiles and birds chewing!

Rabbits - Rabbits' front teeth can overgrow, preventing them from being able to close their mouths and causing them to slobber, said Dr. Dan Carmichael, DVM, of the Center for Specialized Veterinary Care in Westbury N.Y. They can also have problems with back molar teeth, which may develop sharp edges that can cause abrasions to the tongue. Provide them with a proper diet and dental check ups as needed.

Guinea pigs - Guinea pigs can also have problems with their back teeth. In fact, their molars, which grow continuously, may eventually enclose the tongue and prevent the animal from eating. A good diet and regular dental check-ups can help prevent this problem.

Ferrets - Breeding ferrets are often frisky and can break their fang teeth on cages, noted Dr. Carmichael. A common solution to this problem is to have these teeth extracted.

Reptiles - Diet is important in the dental care of reptiles. Dr. Carmichael recommends food enriched with calcium, vitamin A and protein.

Birds - Beak care should be deferred to an avian specialist. Larger birds can benefit from a rapidly rotating grinding stone to shape and smooth the beaks. Dental acrylics are ideal for repairing broken beaks in birds and come in different colors, said Dr. Carmichael.

Other articles: birds | Ferrets


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